Emergency Room Services
24/7 Services

In acute situations, on time, effective interventions, lessens the quantity of emergency handholds, cutback length of stay and avoid high-priced hospitalizations and transfers. DrGmed can join your crew to expedite your ER services in a safe manner, having our patients as our number one priority!

We can provide consult for psychiatry and substances abuse emergencies for your patients including psychiatric evaluations, initiation of pharmacotherapy and specialized prescriptions that including emotional support and service animal prescriptions reinforced with letters!

Medicaid, Medicare & Commercial/Private Insurances!



DrGmed, Inc.  
“A multidisciplinary team brought together to provide personalized care” 
 appointments@drgmedicine.com or info@drgmedicine.com 

 FL: (305) 450-9651|NM: (505) 207-0621